Sunday, April 29, 2007


So, we all know Jarl right (yes its the one that likes to Party). And yesterday he threw a party for us. Lasse and me gave him what you see in the picture. Nice right?

And as all know, it aint a party at Jarl's place without Snorre. Here trying to sing me a Swedish song (and I'm NOT Swedish).

Stoffer and his girlfriend also stopped by.

Well, but back to Jarl (you know the one who likes to Party!!). Here he's kissing the toilet, yell's for the moose, clean's his system or throws up if one want to call it that.

And, well he wasnt feeling to well so he went early to bed. Not nice to show those fingers when one tries to say goodbye!!

So, Lasse and me went out to have a drink. Actually this picture is from when we went home tho.

The inner Ninja in Lasse tried to get out!!

Friday, April 27, 2007


In my post yesterday, i wrote about this EuroPark parking lot attendant. She cleary, didnt know how to park legel herself. As you can see in this picture she parked, almost at the same place, as the car below are standing today. And this car got a ticket. It got to be some special people that choose to work as parking lot attendents. She is such a rolemodel for all us that cant park!! I can't find respect for people like that, thinking they own the world because they have a job everyone hates!!

Anders as the car bitch beside the car with the ticket

The ticket from EuroPark!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007


This is the thing. I, in my break, went to the bakery to buy some food (chocolate scones). On my way I saw this parking lot attendant running around, cheacking all the cars for theire parking tickets. NOW, can someone please tell me if this car (and yes it is the parking lot attendant's car) are parked legal? Shouldn't the parking lot attendant (god what a word) people park legal? Can we blame people for hating them? I know I do, and I have NEVER gotten a parking ticket!!!!

God, the female parking lot attendant should be glad i didnt take a picture of her. May you BURN!!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


So this is my post nr. 100. And ever since this blog started to be a bit "serious" i have wanted to do something special at my post number onehundered. It is, today April 25th, my little brothers 22nd birthday. Unfortunately, he died in 2004.
So i dedicate my post nr. 100 to him.
Happy birthday Jo Vegard:)

Friday, April 20, 2007


So, im still trying to figure out how to stream my webcam here.
I have found out, that maybe its possible to use a Flash application.
Either way, this is me trying to find out how..

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Its sad what happend at Virginia Tech, 33 killed, very sad. Don't misunderstand. But in the US each year about 16.000 people get killed, that's about 45 EVERY DAY. Now THAT'S sad!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


So this is me right. The Kagemonster(cookiemonster)...

...and today, at the university, i was REALLY negative...

...because of these people(+Michael and Anders) and theire constant changes in our game... i used these to get the fuck out of there.
I will be back tho!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Well, I'm hooked on the iTunes store now. I have had this thing now for some years, that i wont download music. I like things to be original. I like to be able to actually hold the CD-cover in my hands. BUT, im afraid thats over now. I love my CD's dont make me wrong, but i do at the same time like to have space and to save money. I have about 600 CD's, no copies, just originals!!

Let's say i have paid about 18$ each(thats about 100DKR, i have bought some on sale and some more expencive). And lets say i have bought 500 of them and got 100 as gifts. If I sum that up have I paid about 9000$(50.000DKR) for them and that's freaking much!!!

Now, if i buy them at iTunes I save money and space, there they cost 14$ per album and i can keep them on my external hard-disk. Well, if I can survive without the hard cover tho. I should make a sort of timer, that calculate the time from now untill I buy a CD that is actually in a CD-cover....

iTunes, at the moment do i listen to Laibach - Volk

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


So this week, untill now, i have had 206 hits. For me that's very good!! Not sure if it is because i have been really active on Blogexploation or what. Anyway im very glad that people find a interest in my blog. Please, vote for me at the Best Photography Blog awards when your here!!
This is how glad i am(you didnt think this would be a post without pictures did you?)

But to show that I'm still perfectly sane do I post this picture too.
Ohh, by the way. I got Laibach - Volk today, BUY IT!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Ok, so this is the thing ok.
First of all, someone have reviewed my blog and from that i got the feeling that i dont write enough. I sort of think "Fuck that", but at the same time do i know i have started to write more when i post new posts. I have thought about making a " only words, not to many pictures" blog, but then i start thinking about why i should when i already have Græsløg(?) Hmmm, lets see what happens.

ANYWAY, i have been thinking about a strange thing the last days. And im quite sure im not the only one that have had these thoughts. Whats really up with all those, that just have to be in the way when you are taking a picture? Let me try to explain...

First, we have those "freeriders" that just cant go behind you, when you take a picture...

Then we got those "freeriders" you just can't miss..

Then there are the situations were its just to many "freeriders" to clear the area...

And then there is those pictures, were the "freerider" just have to look straight into the camera(and yes it is my forhead)...

And last, and not to be forgotten, those pictures were it seems like EVERYONE turns the back at you!!

So here i go, i will try from this very minute to write more in my posts. But do not expect me to write witout mispellings. My prefered language is still not English, but it will come, it will come...

Monday, April 9, 2007


I have been to Germany today, and this was the only picture i got. Kinda sad right?

Saturday, April 7, 2007


Ok, so im still sick right *cough, cough* and i'm sitting in my sofa, with my scarf and no muffins looking thru some pictures i have on my external harddisk. When i started thinking about, these pictures that did not turn so well out for me. Well, not much to say, here they are.
Enjoy or be afraid!

Anders and me in Jomfru Ane Gade, having a good time singing. Not too successfull!

Me in Venice, Italy. I have to ask myself why this picture was taken?

Me, visiting my parents in Norway. I could NEVER model!

Me in Amsterdam, drinking a beer. I do think i shouldnt have had that beer, when im pretty sure i got a few to many the day before

Ok, this is scary. I look fucked up here, but whats up with the eyes on that lady, behind me, looking straight into the camera?

Seriously, do i need to say more? I do love pancakes tho

God im fucked up sometimes!

Whats up witht that blue tounge? Another example of me drunk!

Ok so im bored. Who gives? Hate being sick. I need to get out there taking some pictures again soon. Good thing i will be back at Uni Tuesday!

Friday, April 6, 2007


Well, as you might see am i sick, or what you might have read in a previous post. Anyway, im still trying to get my webcam to stream on Græsløg...

...but as i were working i suddenly got a muffin(in fact a orange muffin) thrown in my lap. And as me being the Cookiemonster aka. Kagemonsteret, a chance to eat a cake like that would not go past me...

...when you read this, the muffin is gone. I love my muffin baking better half! Im still sick tho.


Im sick today so i decided to upload some roof pictures i took in Amsterdam

I really hate being sick

Kinda stupid uploads

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

33 cm.

My good friend from Minnesota sent me this picture today. This is from yesterday, during the night they got 33 cm. more.
Can't say i envy him.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The Brain!

The day we got Tatz, Giger thought she was very scary for some reason. Here trying to make contact...

...and yes she were scary, but as time went he found a way to use here to do all the dirty work in the house... he himself could get away with stealing food in the kitchen...

...dont let those innosent eyes fool you!


Support your local Belton store!

More Belton

Allot of Belton, god i miss the smell!!


Tatz taking a nap

Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Freak!

Ok, i have been trying to get my webcam to stream on Græsløg today, without luck. Have to set it up with my router and all. These pictures did i take during this non successfull session. Do actually show how i feel today with my hangover and all!

This picture freaks me out!!

Random wave effect!

Ohh and if anyone know how i can solve my Webcam stream problem in another way, please send me a mail or comment this post...