Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Oh my, oh my

Sent from my phone. Had to try that out.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Back, 15 kg less but in full effect...

...spent most of my summer at this place...

...with these chickens, fighting for theire lifes hoping to be a hen...

...in this beautiful garden!

Stop! He been watching US!
(If you read this Jarl, send me a message, thought about you when i saw this goat!)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Ohh, have i been traveling. Answere is no, i have just been to Bergen! Lol! Bergen is known for it rainfull weather. When we went there the weather was perfect!
From the hotel we stayed at. Got to thank dear "mormor" for that!

In the old city in Bergen. Superb view!

"Mormor" at "his" house.

No trip to Bergen without visiting this place! Actually more foreign people then norvegian and thats included the people working there!


Loving Bergen, got to go back!