Friday, October 17, 2008

Shes smart!

Anyone remember Heksa? The cat thats not allowed inside.
Well, she have finaly found a home!

In this tree, right outside the house!
(Here I'm watching her from the inside, LOL)

She have decided to call this her property.
Here she have a view into our living room AND kitchen, nice huh?

Many things to do in the new home, like posing for the cam.

Scouting for food or danger(?)

Pose some more!

Or spend some time in her lovely backyard.

Don't let that innocent cat fool you!


  1. I hope you're giving her some food and shelter! Put a box outside she can sleep in, with some nice warm things in, and some food and water, or take her to the shelter, so somebody else can care for her, if you don't want her. She needs care.
    I'd take her, but I'm in the States!

  2. Relax, she got everything she need:) Both a real shelter and plenty of food and water:)

  3. I agree with Chandira...remember the winter is coming. by the way -that first picture is freaking me out. Is that her face or what???

  4. Why don't you adopt her into your house? The poor thing needs a home.

  5. OK, so long as she has what she needs, but she needs love and warmth, too. :-)
